Affirmative Action
The University of Denver's Affirmative Action Plan serves all students, staff, and faculty. This webpage provides an overview of affirmative action and how it affects the University of Denver's employment process.
The University of Denver Affirmative Action Plan is available for review by appointment.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Please contact us at for more information.
Affirmative Action at DU
Behind the Scenes Work
The Affirmative Action Plan applies to all employees at the University of Denver including employees at satellite locations.
The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity is responsible for the investigation and disposition of discrimination complaints. The EEO Administrator is responsible for the annual review and update of all policies and procedures related to Affirmative Action, and the design and delivery of educational materials and training to the University of Denver community on matters relating to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity. See Staff Hiring Guidelines and Guidelines for Interview Questions materials.
Good Faith Efforts Require Everyone's Help
The University of Denver's Affirmative Action compliance is overseen by the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Compliance Contract Programs. This federal office evaluates the university's good faith efforts to advance the goals of Affirmative Action. These good faith efforts require that all members of the University community understand and adhere to DU's hiring, promotion, and pay practices. The Equal Employment Opportunity Administrator welcomes all inquiries and invitations to consult regarding these practices.
Affirmative Action Terms
Reference: The University of Rhode Island
- Applicant Pool
- Availability
- Availability Analysis
- Compliance
- Discrimination
- Disparate Effect or Disparate Impact
- Disparate Treatment
- Diversity
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Ethnicity
- Goals
- Good Faith Efforts
- Labor Market
- Occupational category
- Parity
- Protected Classes
- Race
- Under-utilization
- Utilization Analysis
- Workforce Analysis
Highlights of Affirmative Action History
- March 6, 1961 | Executive Order 10925 makes the first reference to “affirmative action”
- Sept. 24, 1965 | Executive Order 11246 enforces affirmative action for the first time
- June 28, 1978 | Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
- July 2, 1980 | Fullilove v. Klutznick
- Feb. 25, 1987 | United States v. Paradise
- Jan. 23, 1989 | City of Richmond v. Croson
- March 18, 1996 | Hopwood v. University of Texas Law School
- Nov. 3, 1997 | Proposition 209 enacted in California
- Dec. 13, 2000 | University of Michigan’s undergrad affirmative action policy
- June 23, 2003 | Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action in University Admissions
- June 28, 2006 | Supreme Court Rules Against Considering Race to Integrate Schools
- June 24, 2013 | Court Orders University to Re-examine Affirmative Action Policy
- June 23, 2016 | Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action